Membuat Game Pong Java

Nama  :  Isnaini Nurul KurniaSari
NRP    :  05111740000010
Kelas  :  PBO-B

Game Pong Java

Pong adalah permainan video generasi pertama yang dirilis sebagai permainan arkade yang dioperasikan dengan koin yang dikembangkan oleh Atari Inc. pada tanggal 29 November, 1972.Pong didasari dari permainan atau olahraga tenis meja (Ping pong), nama permainan ini berasal dari suara yang dihasilkan ketika memukul bola ping pong.Kata Pong telah didaftarkan sebagai merek dari Atari Interactive.
Pong dengan cepat menjadi permainan komersial pertama yang sangat sukses, dan merupakan permulaan dari industri permainan video. Tak lama setelah dirilis, beberapa perusahaan berusaha menyalin permainan Pong, dan merilis beberapa permainan baru. Sehingga, Atari memberanikan pegawainya untuk membuat permainan yang lebih inovatif. Beberapa sekuel muncul dengan permainan yang sama, namun dengan fitur baru. Pada permulaan Natal 1975, Atari secara eksklusif merilis versi rumahan Pong via toko ritel Sears.

Terdapat 4 class yang digunakan untuk membuat Game Pong Java:
1. Renderer
2. Paddle
3. Ball
4. Pong

Berikut ini adalah source code untuk Class Renderer
  * Source Code untuk Class Renderer
  * @author (Isnaini Nurul KurniaSari/05111740000010)
  * @class (PBO-B)
  * @version (3/12/2018)  
 import java.awt.Graphics;  
 import java.awt.Graphics2D;  
 import javax.swing.JPanel;  
 public class Renderer extends JPanel  
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;  
      protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)  
           Pong.pong.render((Graphics2D) g);  

Berikut ini adalah source code untuk Class Paddle
  * Source Code untuk Class Ball  
  * @author (Isnaini Nurul KurniaSari/05111740000010)
  * @class (PBO-B)
  * @version (3/12/2018)  
 import java.awt.Color;  
 import java.awt.Graphics;  
 public class Paddle  
      public int paddleNumber;  
      public int x, y, width = 50, height = 250;  
      public int score;  
      public Paddle(Pong pong, int paddleNumber)  
           this.paddleNumber = paddleNumber;  
           if (paddleNumber == 1)  
                this.x = 0;  
           if (paddleNumber == 2)  
                this.x = pong.width - width;  
           this.y = pong.height / 2 - this.height / 2;  
      public void render(Graphics g)  
           g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);  
      public void move(boolean up)  
           int speed = 15;  
           if (up)  
                if (y - speed > 0)  
                     y -= speed;  
                     y = 0;  
                if (y + height + speed < Pong.pong.height)  
                     y += speed;  
                     y = Pong.pong.height - height;  

Berikut ini adalah source code untuk Class Ball
  * Source Code untuk Class Ball  
  * @author (Isnaini Nurul KurniaSari/05111740000010)
  * @class (PBO-B)
  * @version (3/12/2018)  
 import java.awt.Color;  
 import java.awt.Graphics;  
 import java.util.Random;  
 public class Ball  
      public int x, y, width = 25, height = 25;  
      public int motionX, motionY;  
      public Random random;  
      private Pong pong;  
      public int amountOfHits;  
      public Ball(Pong pong)  
           this.pong = pong;  
           this.random = new Random();  
      public void update(Paddle paddle1, Paddle paddle2)  
           int speed = 5;  
           this.x += motionX * speed;  
           this.y += motionY * speed;  
           if (this.y + height - motionY > pong.height || this.y + motionY < 0)  
                if (this.motionY < 0)  
                     this.y = 0;  
                     this.motionY = random.nextInt(4);  
                     if (motionY == 0)  
                          motionY = 1;  
                     this.motionY = -random.nextInt(4);  
                     this.y = pong.height - height;  
                     if (motionY == 0)  
                          motionY = -1;  
           if (checkCollision(paddle1) == 1)  
                this.motionX = 1 + (amountOfHits / 5);  
                this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);  
                if (motionY == 0)  
                     motionY = 1;  
           else if (checkCollision(paddle2) == 1)  
                this.motionX = -1 - (amountOfHits / 5);  
                this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);  
                if (motionY == 0)  
                     motionY = 1;  
           if (checkCollision(paddle1) == 2)  
           else if (checkCollision(paddle2) == 2)  
      public void spawn()  
           this.amountOfHits = 0;  
           this.x = pong.width / 2 - this.width / 2;  
           this.y = pong.height / 2 - this.height / 2;  
           this.motionY = -2 + random.nextInt(4);  
           if (motionY == 0)  
                motionY = 1;  
           if (random.nextBoolean())  
                motionX = 1;  
                motionX = -1;  
      public int checkCollision(Paddle paddle)  
           if (this.x < paddle.x + paddle.width && this.x + width > paddle.x && this.y < paddle.y + paddle.height && this.y + height > paddle.y)  
                return 1; //bounce  
           else if ((paddle.x > x && paddle.paddleNumber == 1) || (paddle.x < x - width && paddle.paddleNumber == 2))  
                return 2; //score  
           return 0; //nothing  
      public void render(Graphics g)  
           g.fillOval(x, y, width, height);  

Berikut ini adalah source code untuk Pong:
  * Source Code untuk Class Ball  
  * @author (Isnaini Nurul KurniaSari/05111740000010)
  * @class (PBO-B)
  * @version (3/12/2018)  
 import java.awt.BasicStroke;  
 import java.awt.Color;  
 import java.awt.Font;  
 import java.awt.Graphics2D;  
 import java.awt.RenderingHints;  
 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;  
 import java.awt.event.ActionListener;  
 import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;  
 import java.awt.event.KeyListener;  
 import java.util.Random;  
 import javax.swing.JFrame;  
 import javax.swing.Timer;  
 public class Pong implements ActionListener, KeyListener  
      public static Pong pong;  
      public int width = 700, height = 700;  
      public Renderer renderer;  
      public Paddle player1;  
      public Paddle player2;  
      public Ball ball;  
      public boolean bot = false, selectingDifficulty;  
      public boolean w, s, up, down;  
      public int gameStatus = 0, scoreLimit = 7, playerWon; //0 = Menu, 1 = Paused, 2 = Playing, 3 = Over  
      public int botDifficulty, botMoves, botCooldown = 0;  
      public Random random;  
      public JFrame jframe;  
      public Pong()  
           Timer timer = new Timer(20, this);  
           random = new Random();  
           jframe = new JFrame("Pong");  
           renderer = new Renderer();  
           jframe.setSize(width + 15, height + 35);  
      public void start()  
           gameStatus = 2;  
           player1 = new Paddle(this, 1);  
           player2 = new Paddle(this, 2);  
           ball = new Ball(this);  
      public void update()  
           if (player1.score >= scoreLimit)  
                playerWon = 1;  
                gameStatus = 3;  
           if (player2.score >= scoreLimit)  
                gameStatus = 3;  
                playerWon = 2;  
           if (w)  
           if (s)  
           if (!bot)  
                if (up)  
                if (down)  
                if (botCooldown > 0)  
                     if (botCooldown == 0)  
                          botMoves = 0;  
                if (botMoves < 10)  
                     if (player2.y + player2.height / 2 < ball.y)  
                     if (player2.y + player2.height / 2 > ball.y)  
                     if (botDifficulty == 0)  
                          botCooldown = 20;  
                     if (botDifficulty == 1)  
                          botCooldown = 15;  
                     if (botDifficulty == 2)  
                          botCooldown = 10;  
           ball.update(player1, player2);  
      public void render(Graphics2D g)  
           g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);  
           g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);  
           if (gameStatus == 0)  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));  
                g.drawString("PONG", width / 2 - 75, 50);  
                if (!selectingDifficulty)  
                     g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));  
                     g.drawString("Press Space to Play", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 - 25);  
                     g.drawString("Press Shift to Play with Bot", width / 2 - 200, height / 2 + 25);  
                     g.drawString("<< Score Limit: " + scoreLimit + " >>", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 75);  
           if (selectingDifficulty)  
                String string = botDifficulty == 0 ? "Easy" : (botDifficulty == 1 ? "Medium" : "Hard");  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));  
                g.drawString("<< Bot Difficulty: " + string + " >>", width / 2 - 180, height / 2 - 25);  
                g.drawString("Press Space to Play", width / 2 - 150, height / 2 + 25);  
           if (gameStatus == 1)  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));  
                g.drawString("PAUSED", width / 2 - 103, height / 2 - 25);  
           if (gameStatus == 1 || gameStatus == 2)  
                g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(5f));  
                g.drawLine(width / 2, 0, width / 2, height);  
                g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));  
                g.drawOval(width / 2 - 150, height / 2 - 150, 300, 300);  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));  
                g.drawString(String.valueOf(player1.score), width / 2 - 90, 50);  
                g.drawString(String.valueOf(player2.score), width / 2 + 65, 50);  
           if (gameStatus == 3)  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 50));  
                g.drawString("PONG", width / 2 - 75, 50);  
                if (bot && playerWon == 2)  
                     g.drawString("The Bot Wins!", width / 2 - 170, 200);  
                     g.drawString("Player " + playerWon + " Wins!", width / 2 - 165, 200);  
                g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 30));  
                g.drawString("Press Space to Play Again", width / 2 - 185, height / 2 - 25);  
                g.drawString("Press ESC for Menu", width / 2 - 140, height / 2 + 25);  
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)  
           if (gameStatus == 2)  
      public static void main(String[] args)  
           pong = new Pong();  
      public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)  
           int id = e.getKeyCode();  
           if (id == KeyEvent.VK_W)  
                w = true;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_S)  
                s = true;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_UP)  
                up = true;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)  
                down = true;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT)  
                if (selectingDifficulty)  
                     if (botDifficulty < 2)  
                          botDifficulty = 0;  
                else if (gameStatus == 0)  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT)  
                if (selectingDifficulty)  
                     if (botDifficulty > 0)  
                          botDifficulty = 2;  
                else if (gameStatus == 0 && scoreLimit > 1)  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE && (gameStatus == 2 || gameStatus == 3))  
                gameStatus = 0;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT && gameStatus == 0)  
                bot = true;  
                selectingDifficulty = true;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE)  
                if (gameStatus == 0 || gameStatus == 3)  
                     if (!selectingDifficulty)  
                          bot = false;  
                          selectingDifficulty = false;  
                else if (gameStatus == 1)  
                     gameStatus = 2;  
                else if (gameStatus == 2)  
                     gameStatus = 1;  
      public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)  
           int id = e.getKeyCode();  
           if (id == KeyEvent.VK_W)  
                w = false;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_S)  
                s = false;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_UP)  
                up = false;  
           else if (id == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN)  
                down = false;  
      public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)  

Berikut ini adalah cara memainkan game pong Java:
Klik kanan pada Class Pong,
Kemudian Klik void main(String [ ] args)

Klik OK

Memilih tingkat kesulitan permainan (Easy)

Memilih tingkat kesulitan permainan (Medium)

Memilih tingkat kesulitan permainan (Hard)

Terima Kasih
Semoga Bermanfaat :)


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